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Tauren Cgieftain (Cairne Bloodhoof)

Since ancient times it has been prophesized by the Tauren elders that a Chieftain will come, strong as the mightiest warriors and wise as the eldest shamans. After many years of wandering the sacred lands, seeking wisdom from his forefathers, Cairne Bloodhoof has proven himself as the long awaited hero. Cairne carries with him the spirit of his mightiest ancestor, and now the ground shakes with the combined strength of the Chieftain and his guardian spirit. No physical nor magical barrier can reduce the power of his enchanted halberd, the weapon used by his guardian in ancient times. Such is the power of this axe that it can split the very earth itself. Seeking revenge for the ravaging of his homeland, Cairne will soon bring his wrath upon the Scourge.

HERO ABILITIES (Attack range of 128)
1.)Echo Stomp - Calls upon the spirit of his ancestors to join him in an earth-shattering echo, rendering nearby foes unconscious. The spirit and Tauren Chieftain both deal 80 damage in the area, the Spirit dealing magical damage and the physical form dealing physical damage. Unconscious enemies will wake if they get hit. If the spirit is separated from you, it will still perform its part of the spell. 1.4 second cast time.
2.)Ancestral Spirit - The Tauren Chieftain sends forth his guardian ancestor to bring ruin upon his foes. While separate from the Chieftain, the spirit will mimic his movement and damage any unit it passes through. When it rejoins the Chieftain, it grants him bonus damage and movement speed for each enemy it has struck.
3.)Natural Order - The Tauren Chieftain uses wisdom gathered throughout the ages to reduce everything to its most basic level. Removes base Magic and Physical resistance.
4.)Earth Splitter - Using his mighty axe, the Tauren Chieften rends the very earth itself, sending a jagged crack under the feet of his enemies. After several seconds the earth implodes, sending his foes tumbling inwards. Any unit caught in the implosion will take damage based on their maximum life and have their speed slowed for a short time. Implodes after 3 seconds. Deals 35% of a unit's maximum HP.

Are you an experienced player with Tauren Cgieftain? Please leave comments below for anything you can share about items build, skills combo, strategy, etc. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. This hero can be both tank and killer. A great support hero as well. Pls focus on getting this items.
    Early Game: boots, bottle, two braces, bottle,
    Mid Game: Phase boot, battle fury,Helm of
    dominator, two braces.
    Late Game: Satanic,Phase boot, battle fury,Heart
    of Tarrasque. You can also add
    Shiva's Guard and Assault Cuirass.

    Now go ahead and play dota. Have fun with Tauren Cgieftain. Any comments? Pls let me know.


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