HERO ABILITIES (Attack range of 100, melee)
1.)Void - Creates a damaging void. If cast at night, slows the target for 4 seconds.
2.)Crippling Fear - In the night, the Night Stalker can cause intense fear in enemy units, causing them to miss attacks and be unable to cast spells.
3.)Hunter in the Night - The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly.
4.)Darkness - Creates a period of darkness for the Night Stalker to thrive in.
Are you an experienced player with Balanar? Please leave comments below for anything you can share about items build, skills combo, strategy, etc. Thanks!
1.)Void - Creates a damaging void. If cast at night, slows the target for 4 seconds.
2.)Crippling Fear - In the night, the Night Stalker can cause intense fear in enemy units, causing them to miss attacks and be unable to cast spells.
3.)Hunter in the Night - The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly.
4.)Darkness - Creates a period of darkness for the Night Stalker to thrive in.
Are you an experienced player with Balanar? Please leave comments below for anything you can share about items build, skills combo, strategy, etc. Thanks!
Oh man! a vampire like hero...Farm on daylight and kill at night. There's a lot of items to mention suitable with him. Bring it on Balanar!