All Time Top5 Most Played Dota Heroes
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Lycanthrope (Banehallow)

Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge. For years he has dwelled in the dark forests of the world, hunting innocents that wander therein. Now he is called to aid his masters. He revels in blood and battle, using his wolfish persona to draw the feral beasts to his side and imbue his allies with his flesh-shredding strength. He is also unnaturally quick and agile. Some say he can even transform into a giant wolf, giving him more durability and the speed to gouge and maim with near impunity.

HERO ABILITIES (Attack range of 100, melee)

1.)Summon Wolves - Summons 2 Spirit Wolves to fight the Lycanthrope's enemies.Lasts 55 seconds.
2.)Howl - An eerie loud howl grants an inner strength to all player controlled units. Lasts 16 seconds.
3.)Feral Impulse - Increases the attack damage and speed of the Lycanthrope and his units' .
4.)Shapeshift - A Full Moon curdles the blood of the Lycanthropy. He transforms into a Wolf with extra hit points, critical strike, and increased attack speed. This gives him and his units the ability to move at a constant maximum speed and not be slowed.

Are you an experienced player with Lycanthrope? Please leave comments below for anything you can share about items build, skills combo, strategy, etc. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Early game:
    two bracers, power treads,
    Mid game:
    just add Vladmir's, BKB (always save slot for TP)
    Late game:
    convert two bracers to heart og tarrasque and sange & yasha

    Guys, this is just a basic builds. I always recommends to build items depending on enemy heroes.

    Just prioritize skills 1-3-4. Thanks


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