All Time Top5 Most Played Dota Heroes
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Lord of Avernus (Abaddon)

A former paladin of great renown, Abaddon fell into darkness during the invasion of the Burning Legion, becoming possessed by many demons, corrupting both his soul and his powers. Now a Death Knight set high in the Lich King's hierarchy of generals, he rides into battle against impossible odds, never stopping until he reaches the World Tree itself. Whether enhancing his own fortitude with a shield of dark energy, or using his life force to aid in combat, the Lord of Avernus leads the armies of the Scourge ever onward, forever locked in combat with the forces of good, and his enemies who were once his greatest comrades.

HERO ABILITIES (Attack range of 100, melee)

1.)Death Coil - A coil of death that can damage an enemy unit or heal a friendly unit at the cost of his own life.
2.)Aphotic Shield - Summons dark energies around an ally unit, creating a shield that absorbs a set amount of damage before expiring. When the shield is destroyed it will deal damage equal to the amount it absorbed to an area around it. Removes certain types of negative buffs on cast. Lasts 15 seconds.
3.)Frostmourne - Abaddon strickens an enemy with Frostmourne's chilling power on each attack, causing all units who attack the slowed enemy to gain 10% increased movement speed, along with faster attack speed, for a limited time.
4.)Borrowed Time - When activated, most negative buffs will be removed and any damage you take will heal you instead of damage you. If the ability is not in cooldown, it will passively activate when your hitpoints drop below 400 hp.

Are you an experienced player with Abaddon? Please leave comments below for anything you can share about items build, skills combo, strategy, etc. Thanks!


  1. Abaddon might not that common for you. But let me tell you he can be a good pusher and dominate early to mid game. Just make sure to build more damage and strenght on late game to continue owning the game. For the items that may work for you:
    early = two bracers + power thread
    mid = add S&H, basher, Vladmir's Offering
    late = convert bracers into Heart of Tarrasque
    and radiance...OUCH!!!
    What do you think?


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