All Time Top5 Most Played Dota Heroes
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Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolise his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.
HERO ABILITIES (attack range of 100)
1.)Learns Soul Steal
2.)Conjure Image
Are you an experienced player with Terroblade? Please leave comments below for anything you can share about items build, skills combo, strategy, etc. Thanks!
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