All Time Top5 Most Played Dota Heroes
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Atropos is an elemental force personifying the nightmares and fear of this world. He manifests where there is promise of inflicting horror and feeding off dread. Sapping his foes' psyche heals him. Manifesting his enemies' fears, he greatly enfeebles their ability to fight. He revels in disabling foes by sending them into dread slumber. When need be he can rip his soul and force it into his foes, effectively immobilizing them with despair and pain. Atropos is, in one word, Fear.
HERO ABILITIES (Attack range of 400)
1.)Learns Enfeeble
2.)Brain Sap
4.)Fiend's Grip
Are you an experienced player with Atropos? Please leave comments below for anything you can share about items build, skills combo, strategy, etc. Thanks!
Atropos is a good ally on 3v3 dota clash. Sleep 1, grip 1...only one left to kill by your two allies. Just make sure you do a fast hand to execute those combos...Mid to late game build gensu to totally own the game until end.I know pro-dota players can relate this...
ReplyDeletehow about if enemy heroes got already linken or avatar...that time you should always below the
ReplyDeleteBane is a great tank try to play it like this: until leval 7 u raise only brain,ult and stats.On leval 7 u raise sleep and until leval 15 you raise only stats again.Items : u begin with a null and a tango,after that u get Dominator,power traeds and 1 more null,when u get all of these u go for hex or shiva,but belive me bane is a great tank and dps,not only support