Rubick, the son of Aghanim, is a force to be reckoned with. Crowds marvel in wonder at his effortless ability to hurl objects through the air, using nothing but his mind. Many wizards have challenged him yet none have surpassed his powerful and debilitating magics. The Grand Magus, with his endless talent, will stop at nothing to bewilder and outsmart his enemies, even if it means turning their own magic against them. Renowned for his unique ability to steal magics with a mere thought, he is undeniably a favorable asset to the Sentinel in their fight against the Scourge.
DotA 6.72b Changelogs (Patch Notes):
• Living Armor now regenerates buildings only in a 900 aoe
• Leech Seed cooldown rescaled from 12 to 18/16/14/12
• Treant Protector base armor reduced by 1
• Essence Shift no longer permanently steals attributes
• Restored Shadowraze's original visual effect
• Recolored Spiritbreaker during Charge of Darkness to make it clear that he is no longer magic immune since 6.72
• Fixed a PPC Mac only bug that caused crashes on map selection Make sure to delete the old map and restart
• Fixed a bug that caused saving and reloading to crash
• Fixed a bug with Infest and -switch
• Fixed a bug with Living Armor and -switch
• Fixed a possible fatal error with Whirling Axes on map edges
• Fixed Troll's bash not getting leveled up properly
• Fixed the lowest level of bkb and cheese being stealable
• Fixed Dragon Knight Elder Form interaction with Telekinesis causing the model to be stuck on the ground
• Fixed Wisp appearing in -randomint
• Fixed a bug with Whirling Axes and -swap
• Fixed some problems with Timewalk that caused it to drag performance down a lot
• Fixed a few other misc bugs
This rubick is joke hero :D