A new DOTA like pc game "Heroes of Newerth" is catching-up the popularity. One of the most improved in HON is graphics. The heroes profile were also different but the rest of the games were fairly identical. You might want to see HON's trailer and its close equivalent DOTA Heroes below.

Each game of Heroes of Newerth pits two teams of 1 to 5 players, called the Legion and Hellbourne, against each other. Each player selects a single hero to play from a pool of sixty, via one of several selection rotations. During the match, heroes will gain experience and gold by destroying enemy NPC units, players or structures, and customize their character with skills and items as the game progresses. The gameplay consists of each team "pushing" a lane of creeps toward an enemy tower and destroying it, each lane contains three towers which must be destroyed in order to make the barracks structures in the enemy base vulnerable to attack. Once a barracks is destroyed, the team that destroyed it gains mega creeps in that lane, these are a more powerful version of standard NPC's that give less gold when killed. A game ends either when one of the teams' loses its two inner most towers and the main structure is destroyed - either the Tree of Life for the Legion, or the Sacrifical Pit of the Hellbourne. A team may also concede at any point beyond fifteen minutes into the match.